Drywall Expansion Beads

Expansion Beads in Residential Construction By Myron Ferguson This has happened to me many times over the years. I will be in someone’s house either visiting or there to give an estimate for some work. I will notice a bump in a larger ceiling or on the walls going up to the second story. The…

Always Plan Ahead

Plan for Access Well in Advance By Myron Ferguson Poor planning no matter what you do for a living is important. Time lost is money lost. I know it is hard to plan everything perfectly especially when you are not in complete control. Being self-employed means I think about work too much and sometimes it…

Environmental Control

Environmental Control By Myron R. Ferguson It was late October in Upstate New York, which is close to my cutoff date for working without heat. It is tough enough trying to do drywall work in the summer months but with colder weather we all really need to be more vigilant with controlling the environment on…

Drywall Repairs: Guest Post

Drywall Repair and Pink Colored Walls Scott Pfleeger When you are hired to patch a wall are you identifying blemishes, cracks, dings or small nail holes that need attention even when the customer makes no mention of it. If you are not identifying these blemishes you may want to consider it. Identifying areas of a…

Saving Plaster Surfaces

Saving surfaces By Myron Ferguson A few years ago someone who does restoration work was telling me that the reason they like what they do for a living so much is they have learned to appreciate all the work and energy that went into putting together the building, the walls and ceilings, or whatever part…

Taping Knife off the Compound

Start with the Taping Knife off the Compound By Myron Ferguson The best way I have found to reduce tool marks while smoothing out joint compound is to start the motion with the knife off the compound. Let’s say you are smoothing out the fill coat on a repair. Some compound needs to be removed…

Proper Sandpaper Grits

Proper Grit of Sandpaper for Lightweight Compounds By Myron Ferguson Sanding drywall may be our least favorite part of the finishing process but it is often where the quality of the job is made or broken. Many of us are finishing our joints and fasteners with the lighter weight compound because they dry faster, are…